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20 feb 2023
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Career consulting arrived at primary school in Petrovany

In community centres, which are run by the nonprofit organisation People in Need, children aged 12-16 years are given the opportunity of career consulting. In 2022 the organisation published an update of a methodical handbook of career consulting based on the organisation’s long-standing experience. Fretex Pluss is a Norwegian company focused on career consulting, and their work has extraordinary results. Notes and tips from the organisation Fertex Plus are mentioned in the handbook published by People in Need.

Career consulting: methodology of service

To begin, a little about our methodical handbook of career consulting

The methodical handbook has theoretical and practical sections. The purpose of career consulting is explained in the theoretical part of the handbook. The specific steps to take when working with students are also written there. The practical section is divided into eight parts, similar to a school year. Each of the parts has numerous various activities, which are interactive and playful and incorporate teamwork. The goals of the activities are to get to know one’s strengths and show students that they can make a career out of something they like to do. The activities fluently connect self-knowledge, learning about professions and updates about different majors available in their region.

Training for a profession in Petrovany

Zuzana Žarnayová, whom we met at the community centre in Petrovany, is a guidance consulter teacher of the Slovak language and teacher of arts. The principal of the primary school in Petrovany and Zuzana decided to implement the content of the methodical handbook. They adjusted the practical part of the handbook based on the needs of their students and integrated it into their teachings. That is how they created a new school subject. Training for a profession is nowadays taught by Zuzana to eighth graders. Eight graders seemed the best fit from the viewpoint of mental maturity and strong-mindedness.

I want to emphasise the order of activities in the methodical handbook. The specific order helps motivate students to look forward to the classes. In the first half year, the activities are game-like. Later, the activities are more focused on the options of the following education, getting to know different high schools and chances of the specific profession in the labour market.

Zuzana Žarnayová, teacher and guidance consultor at a primary school in Petrovany
Source of the photography: Bonnet/teacher and guidance consultor Zuzana Žarnayová

Students enjoy going to the classes

Based on the words of Zuzana, students of the eighth grade enjoy the class. It is taught once a week in an interactive way, so it is easy for students to pay attention. Right the opposite, their interest grows. It is essential to be self-sufficient, but at the same time, the classes do not lack work in teams. Students also work on a list of their values, which helps them visualise their future.

Even though I had doubts about whether students will like the activities and how will they react. I am glad to say their response positively surprised me. The students engage in teamwork, which they often see as an opportunity for relaxation, and games after week-long work.

Zuzana Žarnayová, teacher and guidance consultor at a primary school in Petrovany
Children in Community Center while working on the activities from the handbook

Evaluation and results

Even though training for a profession is in the school schedule of eighth graders for the first time, we know it will not be the last. The class has the same significance as any other mandatory class. The only difference is the evaluation process. The teacher does not evaluate students by a grade but verbally, which helps students not feel under pressure. When we asked Zuzana whether anybody did not pass the class, she smiled and said no.

Students do not fear dreaming in class.

Since the students hear about schools and majors available in their region, their knowledge about options expands. Of course, some students think “outside the box” and look further than their geographical region. One student already knows that he wants to be an aeroplane technician.

Children in Community Center while working on the activities from the handbook

And what does the teacher think?

Zuzana is very much appreciating this class. She is delighted that her students are active in her classes and want something more from life.

I believe the subject will find its place in the didactic plan of the school throughout the following year since students tend to like it. Thanks to these classes, students hear more about the labour market and which professions will be more desired than others. Students are not thought this in any other class.

Zuzana Žarnayová, teacher and guidance consultor at a primary school in Petrovany
Source of the photography: Bonnet/teacher and guidance consultor Zuzana Žarnayová

Our ambition is to further incorporate career consulting into teaching plans. If you know anyone who might be interested in implementing these techniques and materials into their teaching, do not hesitate to contact us.

Project LDI03023 „Development of career counseling skills for social inclusion“ is supported by Norwegian funds and co-financed from the state budget of the Slovak Republic.

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